Hello and welcome to my toy store blog.  As you can see, it is in the beginning stages, but I promised that I would blog about toys, so I will blog about  the first item that I have listed in my store.  This item is kind of cool even though my personal preference for dinner is Burger King, it is still a nice item.  I have to tell you that it does not serve tiny hamburgers so if you are hungry, you will be disappointed at the item. I think it would be nice if it served tiny little burgers, but the tiny little people would probably start wanting some time off and you would have to hire new tiny people and tiny people are hard to find.  Besides, it would become a headache if you had to manage the tiny store, and that kind of defeats the purpose of eating out in this dog's opinion.   The building lights up and it looks kind of cool, and can be used in one of those Christmas type towns that some of the humans set up at Chirstmas time.  I like those  towns since they have snow, and look like a fun place for a husky like myself to hang out.  I personally am very fond of cold weather.  The weather outside today is hot and as my pal, Turbo (who also has a blog-World of Turbo) says, it is stupid.  When a dog is right, he is right.  Anyway, there will be lots of items in my store as soon as I master this whole website concept.  This building isn't exactly a toy, but then again, many of the toys are not toys most children would play with.  They are the kind of toys that a lot of adults buy and then sit on a shelf and look at.  Perhaps they should come up with a new name for them--something like toynontoy.  That  would be quite a name, and probably be far more descriptive than one would expect.  I want this to be a fun site that you can come to and enjoy reading my words of wisdom even if you never buy a thing.   If you want to drop my other blog, you are most welcome to visit there.  I try to write different subjects for the the other blog and diary on Dogster since no one wants to read the same stuff everyday.  I hope all of you have a nice day, and come back again. 

Demon Flash Bandit (More to Come)

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